Web Results

Jun 29, 2014 - Over Thanksgiving dinner, a college student related that there is "a law" that cafeterias are required to put laxatives into the food they serve.
One of the most common rumors floating around America's college campuses is that there are laxatives in the dining hall food. But is it true? Absolutely not.
May 4, 2006 - That pursuit of college food perfection is happening nationwide. ... rumor -- common to many college campuses -- that servers mix laxatives into?...
Nov 21, 2006 - The rumor that dining halls add laxatives to foods served in cafeterias has been circulating throughout college bathrooms for years. The rumor?...
Sep 18, 2008 - Maybe, as some say, the food is so bad for you that laxatives are added ... and that it was one common to college campuses -- and one UConn?...
Sep 2, 2006 - They put laxatives in the food. Seriously. ... Just like you're in college now and should stop talking like you're in high school. Where is your?...
Oct 11, 2012 - The rumor that companies that provide food to college dining halls that contain laxatives is one that has been around for generations. Like most?...
Oct 21, 2009 - If you go to college, chances are you've eaten at a dining hall. ... ?No,? my roommate said, ?The dining halls put baby laxatives in the food, duh.
Nov 11, 2012 - If this is because of some personal experience then there is a few possibilities. I dont think that they are legally allowed to do that so my answer?...
So apparently colleges around the nation put laxatives in the food in dining halls to regulate the systems of the students... Really though?