Web Results

Remote Access. DMC employees and partners can use these links to access their email, Citrix platforms, etc. Outlook Web Access ? Remote Access to Citrix ... (NOTE: To access the .edu site, use dmc in lower case letters in front on your employee ID - Example: 012345 would be dmc12345). HEX (Affiliate
Login through one of our patient, physician and employee portals.
IS Employees Links. IS employees Non-production Citrix Desktop ? Citrix Windows Client?...
DMC is the home of Michigan's best doctors. Physicians can use links below to connect with services designed to make...
Setup Instruction. Windows VPN Client Installation & Setup Instruction ? MacOS/Linux/Solaris VPN Client Installation Documentation (Cisco) ? Remote Access to Citrix ? Health Stream HEX ? Health Stream .edu ? Help Desk Services ? IS Employees Links ? Security Access Request Form (SARF) ? VPN Client ?
Home>>; Login>>; I'm an Employee or Physician>>; Help Desk Services. I'm an Employee or Physician. default banner. NOTICE. Beginning February 28th?...
Accessing Citrix from an Apple Mac Computer. - DMC ISD Techlab. Document Date: 6/18/2013. Confidential. For DMC Use Only. Do Not Duplicate or Publish. 1. Launch Safari from your Apple Mac device. 2. Erase the current address in address bar and enter https://citrix.dmc.org?...
DMC Apps - Our phones are getting smarter and smarter, DMC wants to help you stay in step with the latest technology...
From the staff resources page, point your cursor to Remote Access to Citrix, and click your left mouse button. Page 3. At the Citrix Desktop Login page, enter your User name (your Network ID) and your Password, then point your cursor to the LogIn button, and click ... If you experience difficulty lo
Please select the 'Public Computer' option if this is not a machine you use regularly, then enter your User ID below and click 'Submit' to access the system. This is a public computer. This is a private computer?...